Wassermann Lake - Tale of Two Lakes
Wassermann Lake is categorized as a recreational lake. During the spring and fall the lake is generally safe and provides wonderful boating, fishing and other recreational opportunities. However, as the temperatures rise the lake quickly becomes unhealthy when excessive nutrients in the lake cause major algae blooms. The Wassermann Lake Association was formed in 2011 to work closely with property owners, the city and Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) to maintain focus on improving the lake quality. Fortunately, our lake quality will be improving as the MCWD implements it's lake management plans over the next few years. Please join your neighbors as we continue to partner to improve our lake. This website provides an overview of these efforts and resources to learn the steps you can take to reduce runoff into the lake.
Clean Water
Unfortunately, for all its beauty, our lake is also impaired. Its phosphorous content is twice the designated maximum level. Rafts of milfoil and algae blooms are constant and intensify in mid and late summer. Far from these adverse effects being isolated, our lake is a major contributor to downstream problems.
Learn about resources available to help you take action to preserve and protect our lake water quality
We all own waterfront property
You can make a difference!
Even if you aren't living on a lake you affect the health of nearby lakes, wetlands, and streams. In most urban and suburban areas, your street connects to downstream lakes, wetlands and streams through the storm sewer system. Learn about how you can make a difference.
Landscaping Tips that will beautify your yards while improving lake water quality
Cost Reimbursement for up to 75% of the cost of your water preservation project
Wassermann Lake Park
Plans are progressing to have a park completed on the west end of Wassermann Lake by the end of 2020. Click here to learn more.
Annual Meeting
Our annual meeting will be held on September 19th at ENKI Brewing. An email with details will be sent to all those on our email list.
August 17th- Splash!
Join us for our First Annual Progressive Dock Party. For more information and to RSVP, click here.